Bloggers Passion was launched on January 1, 2010. Just Ivory Coast Phone Number List 10 years ago. The Bloggers Passion website was designed 10 years ago. Blogger Passion Website Design This is a screenshot of total traffic in 2010. bp traffic 2010 As mentioned above, the Bloggers Passion was visited by about 3000 people in a year. Today, this blog has grown into one of the most popular Indian blogs read by thousands of people around the world. Here is the Ivory Coast Phone Number List 2019-20 Bloggers Passion earnings report Blogger Passion Revenue Report Last year, in 2019, we generated about $ 128,000 from Bloggers Passion.
In 2018, Bloggers Passion generated $ 106,000. Yes, we consistently earn $ 10,000 a month from this blog. There is still a long way to go! If you've been reading Ivory Coast Phone Number List Bloggers Passion for a while, you already know that most of your income comes from affiliate marketing. Here's a screenshot of affiliate product revenue (which generated over $ 229,000 in affiliate fees). Semrush revenue So, in this Bloggers Passion Journey Post, some of the Ivory Coast Phone Number List biggest blog lessons I've learned, how to generate most of the traffic, how to promote your blog, the plugins to use, and a few other important things. This section explains. So if you really want to know about our journey, this is a treat for you. Let's take a closer look at the details. table of contents Five important lessons learned from previous blogging trips
How to generate traffic to the blogger's passion How Ivory Coast Phone Number List do you make money from the passion of bloggers? We are featured Can you consider blogging as a career option? Five important lessons learned from previous blogging trips Blogger's Passionate Journey I'm still learning, so I don't think I'm an expert. In fact, I still have a long way to go. That said, here are five of the biggest blog lessons I've learned on my Bloggers Passion trip so far. I hop Ivory Coast Phone Number List e they can help you too! Lesson 1: Don't outsource, reinvest, or spend! Over the last decade, I have outsourced most of the tasks